IMF Working Papers by Author

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Title: Bank Balance Sheets and External Shocks in Asia: The Role of FXI, MPMs and CFMs
Author/Editor: Zefeng Chen,Sanaa Nadeem,Shanaka J Peiris
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/010
Date: January 15, 2021
Title: Macroeconomic Impact of Foreign Exchange Intervention: Some Cross-country Empirical Findings
Author/Editor: Zhongxia Jin,Haobin Wang,Yue Zhao
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/126
Date: April 30, 2021
Title: Establishing a Foreign Exchange Futures Market in China
Author/Editor: Zhongxia Jin,Yue Zhao,Haobin Wang
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/268
Date: November 12, 2021
Title: Stock Returns and Inflation Redux: An Explanation from Monetary Policy in Advanced and Emerging Markets
Author/Editor: Zhongxia Zhang
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/219
Date: August 20, 2021
Title: Okun's Law, Development, and Demographics: Differences in the Cyclical Sensitivities of Unemployment Across Economy and Worker Groups
Author/Editor: Zidong An,John C Bluedorn,Gabriele Ciminelli
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/270
Date: November 12, 2021
Title: The Impact of International Migration on Inclusive Growth: A Review
Author/Editor: Zsoka Koczan,Giovanni Peri,Magali Pinat,Dmitriy L Rozhkov
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/088
Date: March 19, 2021